Terry and Dave's blog

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Location: Canada

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Family Christmas 2012 in Thailand

A fantastic Christmas
(left to right)
Esther, Isaac, Victor, David 
 Matthew, Isaac, Hannah, & Ruth
 Mark, Rachel, Naomi, Ruth, & Hannah
 Ruth & Hannah

Christmas with extended families 2012

Peter and Mom visiting at Thai Church's Christmas party.
 Naomi in a play with the College students.
 Our three youngest were in a couple of dances. Esther on far left, Isaac two behind her and Matthew on far front right.

 Some Philippine school teachers held a Christmas party in our yard. Lots of silly games, songs and fun! Oh, and we can't forget the great food too!
 Our three girls are looking pretty serious...

Sarah and the girls

Sarah and the three girls came and lived with us for a couple of months until dad was ready to move up north with them.

Now, summer 2013, they have moved down to Hat Yai, southern Thailand.

Our kids leading worship November 2012

Our kids have so many awesome gifts, one being of music. They have been playing, singing and leading in the Thai and International Churches. They love to practice too, so we always have a home filled with song and worship.

 David on guitar and Victor on drums.
 Ruth singing and David.
 Esther singing.
 Peter singing and leading.

Water Baptism November 2013

Five of our children were water baptized in the comfort of a close friends pool with myself and Dr. Alan Purvis, my brother.
There were many others from the International Church that were also baptized.
Thank you Lord!

Naomi November 2012

Naomi's first time preaching in VBCI Sriracha, Thailand

She did a fantastic job!!

Thank you Lloyd & Sandy November 2012

Lloyd and Sandy did a fantastic job of tiling the outside kitchen and laundry area in the back of the house. THANK YOU!!!! 

Then, they were silly enough to take the kids paint balling.....I am the official photographer as I'm not going to get hurt! :) Lloyd and Sandy took a much needed rest after all their work and play. The bruises and broken ribs might of had something to do with it?!?!?!? The kids thank you as they sure had fun.

 I'm not sure if you can tell, but this is Sandy, hiding behind the bamboo....
 David and Sandy are still good friends even after she beat him in a shoot out. lol