Terry and Dave's blog
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Steve finds this very hard work, digging a hole for a new septic tank for the boys bathroom.
....and the younger kids love to help. There was a couple that were crying as they couldn't get out on their own.

Mixing concrete for the base
Painting Crew....
our bedroom...
girls room....
Naomi's room on left...
living room on right... the main floor is all the same color.
Labels: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WHDchRDqia0/TxqExfn4KgI/AAAAAAAABsQ/vqwNmj-JEQo/s1600/IMG_2905.JPG
Our New Home
In August 2011 we moved into a new, to us, home. This home had not been lived in for 10 years so it was in need of cleaning, painting and repairs. The owners told us that it would only take their one cleaning lady one day to clean the houseā¦. This is how we found it. (we did not want to take our shoes off at the door but did out of respect) We were also told that it didn't need painting as it was beautiful paint, but we could paint if we really wanted to. Since, the owner has been to visit and loved the work we have done on it.