What's new??
I thought I better get to work and post something so you don't think we have forgotten. A rundown of what are family is doing right now.....

Mary is working for us in the home. She has a 'beautiful' apartment upstairs with more responsiblilities and freedom. Mary is becoming a fantastic cook, willing to try new recipes. She also does most of the laundry and cleaning in the home.
Peter has graduated from High School and is looking forward to attending Victory Bible College International here in Sriracha. We are so excited for him. In the meantime he has been helping mom build on a kitchen as well as working as the maintenance man for the Lighthouse. He is a fantastic help. We will miss him when he moves upstairs into the dorms when school starts in September........... oh well, they all do grow and move on.
Both Caleb, 16 and Naomi, 17 are in grade 10 this year and have just changed High Schools. They thought by going to a smaller school they would do better. They are both extremely bright so we are sure they will do well wherever they go. We will see all marks in October.
Mark, in grade 8, is having a difficult time just attending school. He needs prayer in this area, if he misses one more class he will be kicked out of school. He is really trying to hang in there but 4 years seems a long time to continue in school. He is very bright and perhaps finds it not challenging enough. We are believing that he can make it through and we will continue to work with him on that.
David is in grade 6, doing very well as is Hannah in grade 5. They are both very disciplined kids in their homework and duties at school.
And just a joy to have as 'our' kids.
Victor, Ruth, and Alan are all in grade 4. They are all doing well, although Victor is usually inventing something or taking something apart......... just very inquisitive and there is nothing wrong with that. 

Isaac and Esther are in grade 1 and both enjoying it. Isaac has calmed down some from last year so he isn't coming home with his clothes in shreds - this was a daily occurrence last year, he still is very busy and a monkey.

Sarah got married in March, 2009 living in southern with her husband(Fan) and we have just received an email from her saying they are expecting their first child. We pray that she is feeling well during her pregnancy! 

Rachel has been attending University in Canada, upgrading her English. She has just written an exam to challenge the English courses in hopes of attending an acedemic program this fall. We find out the results on August 7th. She has been a fantastic help painting the house in Canada too!!

Peter has graduated from High School and is looking forward to attending Victory Bible College International here in Sriracha. We are so excited for him. In the meantime he has been helping mom build on a kitchen as well as working as the maintenance man for the Lighthouse. He is a fantastic help. We will miss him when he moves upstairs into the dorms when school starts in September........... oh well, they all do grow and move on.
Steve, now 17 years old, has started grade 10 in a Vocational School in the computer program. He
has found it a huge challenge with lots of extra homework but he does believe he is doing well.

Both Caleb, 16 and Naomi, 17 are in grade 10 this year and have just changed High Schools. They thought by going to a smaller school they would do better. They are both extremely bright so we are sure they will do well wherever they go. We will see all marks in October.
John, in grade 9, is in a separate High School from the others. He is doing well, just trying to finish the year. He still has the biggest smile you can imagine! He is also working hard on growing his garden.

And just a joy to have as 'our' kids.

Jessica and Matthew are in Kindergarten and having fun.
They charm all who come to visit us.
They charm all who come to visit us.
All the kids are growing like weeds. We sure are enjoying each and everyone of them. We are becoming so close with them all!
So, I hope that gives you a quick overview of our family. Do go to our website to see more stories: http://www.elshaddai2.com/ Our daughter Jennifer does the posting on it so I will make sure she gets it updated too.