Last week, Jessica, John, and Sarah,

three of our kids, Becky, our neice and Dave and I headed north. We headed north for two reasons.........one, Sarah's Dad was ill and she wanted to visit him and we felt it was time for our family to grow.
We do have the capacity to have 30 children in our home and it was time for growth. We had decided to take the three kids with us; 4, 14 and 20 years old respectively so that any other children we got would have the comfort of other Thai children. Becky was great support, growing up in Thailand, and our translator. We ended up in northern Thailand, just a little south of Chang Rai but close to the eastern border. We travelled on rough roads and even got lost for a bit but saw some beautiful country.

<>We arrived in a small village where most people are living in poverty. There were many children here that the villagers wanted us to take and care for as many had lost their fathers to drugs, sicknesses, or they were in jail. Few had also lost their mothers to death or they were in jail. The numbers added quickly, getting up to about 15 children in all. In the end we ended up bringing 9 children home to Sriracha with us. Our first stop was at a Guest House to give them all showers and a clean outfit. Since then we have had many phone calls from the north, from family and friends wondering how the kids are doing. One father called and asked for his little 4 year old daughter back, he said that he would rather go without food than not have his little girl sleeping in their home. Wow, that is what we love to hear, so he came down by bus and picked her up. Yesterday, a mother came and got her daughter and son too. When we were in the village, many thought they could just give their children up for a better life but never considered how much they would miss them and want them back. We are sure that the remaining 6 will stay as they don't have parents, parents are in jail, or they have been abused. All said and done, we now have the 6 kids, 2 girls and 4 boys and we would like to introduce them to you. We, the older kids and us, have given then all English names so I will give you both names and a little of their story.
Meet our new children;

David(Beloved).......Ta Ree Suk
Birthdate: September 2, 1996
Parents are divorced, Dad is in jail in Chang Rai and Mom can't care for all of her four children. David is the 3rd child and we did not meet the rest of his family. David is a real polite young man and he was so, and still is so excited to be with us. He has already helped with doing dishes, sweeping and cleaning the bedroom.

Hannah(favor, grace, blessed by God).............Su Pah Pon
Birthdate: July 30, 1997
Dad died and Hannah is the oldest of 8 children and they are living in poverty and Mom cannot care for them all. Hannah is very quiet spoken but she also does not know english at all. She does try though, using 'please' and 'thank you'.

Alan(little rock, handsome, harmony).............Sue Tat
Birthdate: August 4, 1999
Dad has died and Mom is in jail in Chang Rai. A friend was caring for him but did not want him. Alan was worried at first when he was brought to us but by the time we left the village he was very excited. He can speak English very well and sure loves hugs.

Isaac(Laughter)...........Wee Chai
Birthdate: October 18, 2002
Dad left before he was born. Mom remarried and the new husband wanted nothing to do with Isaac. After taking him to the hospital for an injury we found out that his mother was using him as an ashtray to put out her cigarettes. You can't give Isaac enough hugs, he comes to us all the time and does have a huge smile but not when the camera is pointed in his direction.

Esther(morning star).........Nee Pah Pon
Birthdate: June 28, 2002
Esther, with her mother, walked many miles across fields to come to the village we were in. They heard that we were looking for children needing a loving home. The family is living in poverty and could not care for her. Esther loves to be tickled and has the cutest giggle. She is very quiet.

Matthew(Gift of God)..........Gree Dte Phong
Birthdate: November 19, 2004
Mom & Dad are divorced, both living in Bangkok and neither of them want anything to do with Matthew. Grandma had been caring for him but could not anymore. We have had him to the hospital as he has something wrong with his one leg. The doctor said that he has parasites in his foot so we are giving him medication for it. He has the biggest smile.
All the kids are doing fantastic and fitting in well with the older ones. We have already become one large happy family. There has only been a few tears shed. They are excited over the few outfits we have given them and their very own beds. None of them have a lack of appetite. We aren't sure if that is because they think they might not get another meal for a while or if they eat that way all the time....
Here are a few pictures since we have been home.

We always have more room if you would like to come and join us for dinner, we would love to have you!