North Trip
Dave and I were fortunate enough to be able to travel on a missions trip with the students from the Bible College. (Dave was the mechanic onboard for any necessary work that needed to be done and the official driver for transportation for the students) It was a total of 11 days and it was a great learning experience for each and every one of us. It was both humbling and made you really look at your heart. It is a trip that tests everyones ability to change for the moment and be able to work along side any nationality or temper of others. It really teaches us all self-control; to stand strong in His grace, be submitted and obedient to those in authority. Thank you Lord!
Here we are ready to roll. Pastor Al, Amanda, Swang(both filmers for Continnuum TV), and Kim (photographer for Continnuum Magazine) were in the lil green jeep "Willy" and Dave, Terry and Pastor Joel (from Cambodia) travelled in the blue jeep "CJ" pulling the trailer. The students along with Pastor Matt and wife Becky(also filming for Continnuum TV) travelled by bus.
The driver and the co-pilot.
On the way, we took the wrong turn, so what does a person do? Well, Dave decides to go down the middle of the freeway where the highways is working. We did get some fists shaken at us but otherwise, who knows where we would of ended up. The falongs(white people) do get away with a lot over here.
Here we are at camp. Most of the students are in these two pictures. What a good looking group, eh?!
I even got to do some cooking, once in a while, on the open fire. The Thai girls kept me in check if they didn't feel I was doing things the right way. It was great, I am learning to cook Thai meals.
There seemed to be pigs everywhere when we were cooking, even at the wedding.
Oh, this is how all of us leaders were treated........nothing but the best from the students!! (this is special for my Dad...just so you know, I am taking it easy!)
Us leaders set up an obstacle course for the students to follow........this is Pastor Al (up in the tree, relaxing as he is supposed be) and Dave (standing on the ground) pulling him up.(they had a rope attached to Al's waist and over a limb and down to Dave). One team member from each of the three team had to climb the tree and retrieve a clothespin that was attached to a branch. should of seen the native guys climb up and down this took them under a minute!! It was amazing to watch. (the two 'old' fellows that set it up took way longer)
This is our camp that we stayed at most of the time. We did stay in some churches and homes for a few of the nights. Everyone is so hospitable. The middle picture with Pastor Al is where we kept our food - we did have a monkey visit us during the nights, but nothing was missing that we noticed. Oh, we all FROZE!! It was around 5C in the nights and we did not have the bedding for that temperature.....everyone was anxious to get up in the morning to get warmed by the fire. We were able to be treated to MILO (hot chocolate drink) everynight thanks to Al.
Of course there is always the times when the 'boys'
have to use their 'toys' (the jeep) to get a big log for
the campfire....aren't they cute?!!!! (Dave was there too, but someone had to take the picture)
Here are some pictures of the various kids we ministered to in the different villages. All we needed to do is start playing the guitar and they would come from everywhere.
We took the students to a school where we were able to play games, tell stories about Jesus, and sing songs. The children just loved it and one teacher accepted Jesus.
While we were staying in this village we were asked to set up a tent(our tent and our fellows set it all up), sing for the service(our students lead), perform the wedding(our guide did it), and Pastor Al prayed over the couple. It was really quickly done and then we all had dinner.(the plates on the blanket are all for us)
We held meetings daily in the villages we visited. We led Praise and Worship, played games with the children, and one of the students preached. We prayed for anyone who wanted or needed prayer. There were people healed, demons cast out and people that accepted Jesus. It was fantastic! Praise God!
The students left by bus for their race home, to the finish line. Al, Matt, Becky, Dave and I(Terry) left with the jeeps and all the supplies. We decided to return home a different way, thinking the roads may not be as steep - guess what - they were just as bad but we did get to see some awesome countryside.
When you need something fixed, you've gotta get it fixed, wherever you may be......downtown?!