Lil' Stories
Peter...21 years old
He has just finished his 2nd year at Bible College. He is working part-time at 7/11 over the school break, he doesn't like it much but he is trying to stay focused. He works 6 days per week for 10 hour shifts........ long and tedious!
He is in his last year of high school. He is on a work practicum right now, through his school. He loves the work but finds it very tiring. He is one of the quieter kids.

Naomi...19 years old
She is in her last year of high school. She is also working part time at 7/11 which we would like her to quit but she wants to keep working. She is hoping to go to University next year, for 4 years, I believe. We don't see her much except at around midnight every night when she gets home.... I don't know how she does it, I have a very hard time keeping awake to pick her up from work.
Mark..... 17 years old
Everyone thinks Mark is the oldest as he is definitely the tallest. He is growing in to an awesome young man, on fire for God and very involved with the Youth Ministry and the worship teams.

David....14 years old
Wanting to be grown up so badly. He is working hard at playing guitar and is doing fantastic. And David loves to cook, making different dishes too!

Hannah........ 13 years old(going on 30 sometimes)
Priceless, the other day I was taking the kids out for a swim at Pattaya Park and as we are driving she says she can't figure something out. What? Well, she says, "Mom, you only have 2 feet but you have 3 pedals to drive, don't you need another foot?" I lost it, she had been contemplating it for a while before she asked me. Too, funny - I told her that I just turn my feet sideways so I can reach all 3 pedals at
He is our new bass player in the kids band. He is a fantastic help around the house. He is one of those kids that makes strange noises or loud ones just to get attention. They all have their little quirks but I how love them all.

Victor....12 years old(13 in July)
Vic is one of those kids that can take anything apart and put it back together better, faster, and greater then before.(I sure hope he never gets hold of my sewing machine!) He will never go hunger. He is one I must never forget to give him his hug - everyday or he just doesn't function properly the following day.
Ruth is a huge helper around the house. She is a real joy. She is fantastic at translating for mom too! And, what a prayer warrior she is becoming....... so grown up!

Esther...8 years old(9 next week)
Everyone loves Esther, she isn't a follower and she isn't pushy or bossy........ she is just beautiful. Here, she was not tired, she wasn't going to fall asleep. So precious!
One day he came and told me he was going to fast not the next lunchtime, but the next one.(supper) Supper time came, I called him, he was playing with domino's on the floor and he said "No Mom, I am fasting - remember?!" Well, you don't play while you fast, you need to read your Bible, so off he went and read his Bible. He has fasted 2 times so far - he might not understand the whole concept but he is growing. :)
Last night, he came home from school and said "Mom, I hope it was okay, but the snack you gave me, I forgot to eat it. At the end of the day I took it out of my backpack, but I gave it all to my friend mom cuz he didn't have any food. Is that okay? Praise God, what a blessing Isaac is!

Jessica...7 years old(8 in August)
Never stops coloring 'I love you Mom' pictures... She never wants to be left out of everything but becomes a little overbearing because of it. She will learn.... she loves to help and be in the middle of everything. Or should I say, she wants all the attention from everyone.
Full of life, laughter and stories. He is in grade one this year so he is now in the big kids school. He was such a softy, now he tends to fight the strong fight........ he will have to learn the middle area. Fun and games!
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