January 2011

In the new year I was able to join our Canadian kids; Jennifer & Jason and our two granddaughters. Our son-in-law Orlund was not available for the picture. (wish he was as he is the photographer in the family and this pic isn't the best) Joy and Olivia are growing up so fast.
During the picture taking our youngest, Olivia, had a seizure and was taken to Kamloops hospital by ambulance. She ended up staying in the hospital for a week on intervenes as she had a urinary infection.
This was Jenner & the girls, sleeping at the hospital........
everything is just too
giggly! They are all so cute.
Then Jay dropped in to say goodbye to us all as he headed back to work north of Edmonton.
We did manage to get down to Cranbrook to see my dad and family. However, we had to spend 9+ hours in the Rogers because of snow avalanches. We got to visit and conquer the world, which we usually do from opposite sides of the world, so it was an enjoyable time.

A couple of precious girls........ I sure miss them!
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