Joy arrives in Thailand - Jenner too!!
Our granddaughter and daughter.................from Canada
We sure didn't have to worry about keeping Joy busy........ there were 16 others taking care of that .
Oh, incase you were wondering what we did while they were in Thailand - well, we put Jenner to work and work and work. Oh, that isn't all, we went to Pattaya Water Park, the Zoo, for massages, shopping, had our nails done..... and just hung out!!
.............................. that is a long time in the eyes of a child!
Yippee, they arrive safe and sound. (sorry the pic is so dark)
We sure didn't have to worry about keeping Joy busy........ there were 16 others taking care of that .
And was she ever pooped at the end of the day... What a sweetie, eh?!?!
The baths are a little different in Thailand - we only have showers (at least in our house) so Joy was taking her baths in this tub, which she didn't particularly care for.
Oh, Jenner's hair - that was done in Canada........XO
Oh, Jenner's hair - that was done in Canada........XO
AND......... Grandma's get to spoil them don't they?? YES!!!!!!!!!!! (specially when I don't get to see her very often.
Oh, incase you were wondering what we did while they were in Thailand - well, we put Jenner to work and work and work. Oh, that isn't all, we went to Pattaya Water Park, the Zoo, for massages, shopping, had our nails done..... and just hung out!!
Then it all has to end and off to Canada they went.................. All the kids want for Christmas now is "Baby Joy" - they want her to live here! I am sure it would be fine for the parents to come too!!!! We really loved having the two of them here, a big "Thank You" to Orlund(dad and hubby) wish you could of come too!! There is ALWAYS a next time. :)))))
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