Needed PRAYERS...............
Well, yes, I am having a rough day over some particular issues................don't have many bad days but but every once in a while something sneaks up on us. I usually write about all the good days, the fun that we are having and all the great things that are happening over here on the mission field...............BUT, it isn't all great. (We do thank the Lord daily for all His blessings!)
So I would like to share some real things that we haven't talked about or you didn't see on our recent El Shaddai TV episode. After seeing our big family on TV, my younger sister said, "Those kids aren't the malnourished kids that you usually see on TV." Our mandate is to take orphans and make sons and daughters of them; children who can hold their heads high and become future leaders of this nation. But each one has an amazing personal story of redemption!
Isaac. Both parents are alive, but they do not want him. He was covered with cigarette burns from his abusive mother and he suffered from serious malnutrition. Today he is happy about his newfound future.
The list goes on, all children who simply needed to be rescued; how awesome it is to watch them discover God’s love. They all have accepted Jesus into their lives and we are teaching them daily about our awesome God and His plan is for each of them.
So we would like to share some real needs the children have. As people vis
Toys are ever so scarce, we do have some books and they are re-read and re-read. We really do need some educ
ational toys in English. The older kids are required to do their homework on a computer; in fact most of their homework needs to be researched on the net so we need computers that process in both English and Thai. With 20 children, the need for socks, or shoes or some article of clothing arises daily. With only one month left until school is out for the holidays, we will make it through, but in May we will face the big expense of tuition and supplies for the new school year. Most of us know how much it costs to raise children; can you imagine 20 children? We’re not just supplying a meal and some basic necessities for kids living in poverty; we are raising these kids as you raise yours, with a hope for a great future.

So, please, we are asking you to help us, support us with prayer and finances. We barely provide these children with the basics, yet they are so thankful. They wear big smiles on their faces because they love Jesus and they love those who are helping them find a better life!
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