Camping with Mom

Mary & Naomi volunteered to do most of the cooking which was done on our front deck, where we also ate. Mary & I would go down the road every two days to meet up with the veggie truck as we had no where to store food. It all worked out good. (the managers of the resort said they would give me a cheap price on meals but their cheap and my cheap for 18 of us is very different) We ate well and in the end I believe the resort cooked us about 6 big meals for no cost.
We will never go hungry with our kids tho. They climbed every coconut, makam and jack fruit tree around.
We didn't have any tools for getting into the coconuts so the kids used rocks, sticks and anything else they found laying around. We have never had so much fresh fruit. It was excellent.
They also caught fish and crabs for dinner.
While at camp, when it was too hot to be out in the sun the kids all became creative. They made cards with dried flowers, twigs and leaves. Plus bead bracelets and necklaces. When it comes to making things the Thai's are excellent as they are taught at a very young age in school.
Every morning we had prayer and study time. .
In the evenings we would have Praise and Worship. We took one guitar along and Mark is becoming a fantastic player.
We had a visitor, Jonathan, from Kamloops, BC, Canada.
All the kids were climbing trees so I could take a picture for Dad in Canada. Next time we pray that dad will be with us.
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