Arrived safe and sound in Thailand

This is the first time we have posted in our own blog - so it could be really interesting in how it shows up - practice makes perfect.
Our trip over here was great - on the first plane, 747, we didn't even feel the take off or landing it was so smooth. The second, 777, did a little dance as we landed in Bangkok but I think that was the pilot/wind/? not the planes fault. Anyway, we made it and tried to sleep most the way so that we would be ready to just giver once arriving. Not likely.........jet lag has hit us pretty hard this time. It is around 33C so not much different from home, but it is very humid - we are fairly well drenched all the time right now. We also are waking up at 3am ready to go - we are planning on pushing ourselves to stay up later tonight.
Everything is in full swing around here. The construction at the 'Lighthouse' (the new childrens home) is in full swing. The college also has some construction going on as they have more students and are needing more class rooms. The boys that are attending school this term will be renting at the Lighthouse as the college has grown. The rooms are not quite ready yet and they need to be moved into them today - Dave has gone to help move beds and the wardrobe closets. The college starts this coming tuesday.
Our work week is from tuesday to saturday with monday being our day off as that is the only way the staff and missionaries could get anything done they needed to get done. Stores, banks, etc don't open up around here until 11am and only on certain days - very different.
We have made it over to the Lighthouse a few times to measure rooms, windows, etc - a little overwhelming at this point but we will get a handle on it by next tuesday I am sure.
We have been over to El Shaddai 2 a couple of times but there has been no one around. We will be heading there this afternoon as we have to get on track with the parents. We will wait until they have picked up the kids from school so we will get a chance to see them all. Tomorrow we will spend the whole day with them and on sunday morning we get to go with them to the Thai church service, should be interesting. (we will also go to the evening english one)
I will attempt to attach a couple of pictures of the new childrens home 'The Lighthouse', I do hope I do it properly. The bottom left picture is of the kitchen with a door to the outside as they cook outside, the picture on the lower right is of the boys bedroom, and the picture at the beginning is the outside of the building. All the floors are tile(of many different colors) and of course the bathrooms are all tiled too. The top 4 floors are units for rent, which include a bedroom area, a bathroom that has a toilet and wall shower(not enclosed) and a balcony that has a bathroom sink and little mirror. (not sure why the sink is outside, but that is the way they do things over here)
It all looks great as it is new. Alot of drywall, painting and tiling are still left to be done and of course the yard work. It will be a real challenge to get things organized and finished on time - the October conference. (we are hoping to have some of the rooms finished so that guests will be able to stay in them).

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